Educational Websites
IXL Practice your Language Arts and Math Skills that have been taught by your teacher!
Go Math & Journeys Work on reading and math at home.
Scholastic Enjoy learning experiences built around a thrilling and meaningful story or video!
XtraMath Help students master extra math facts.
Spelling City Work on spelling words at home!
Epic! This is the leading digital library for kids 12 and under!
Multiplication Master the multiplication facts now!
Switcheroo Zoo Watch, listen, and play games to learn all about amazing animals!
Fun Brain Play games while practicing math and reading skills!
Nat Geo for Kids Learn all about geography and fascinating animals!
PBS Kids Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning!
Into the Book Go “into the book” to play games that practice reading strategies!
Star Fall Practice your phonics skills with these read-along stories!
Seussville Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his friends!
Storyline Online Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars!
ABC YA Practice math and reading skills all while playing fun games!
Highlights for Kids Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments!
Mystery Science Science lessons that are easy and fun to do at home!
ABC Mouse Lessons and activities for reading, math, social studies, art, music and more!
Prodigy Fun math games to play at home.
Go Noodle Get up and move!
BrainPop Make any room a classroom
Dreamscape The most engaging reading game for grades 2-8, and all for free!
Keyboarding Keep your keyboarding skills sharp while away from school!
9th Grade Physical Science - Pearson Success Net All other Science - Science Pearson-Realize Work on Science and activities at home!